
Our church leadership is modelled after the early Christian church as recorded in the New Testament.

This page aims to summarise the various roles and organisational structures used by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

Teaching Elder

More commonly known as the minister, the teaching elder is commissioned to preach God’s Word, to administer the sacraments of baptism and communion, and to instruct the people of the congregation.

Ruling Elders

Often referred to simply as elders, these are elected by the members of the church and are responsible for leading and nurturing the congregation. Alongside the minister, they oversee the spiritual affairs of the church and provide pastoral care to the congregation.

Kirk Session

Kirk – church (from Scottish)
Session – “a sitting” (from Latin sessiō)

Together, the minister and the elders make up what’s known as the Kirk Session, whose duty is to oversee and govern the congregation.

Clerk of Session
Each session appoints a clerk who records the minutes of each Session meeting. You can contact our clerk of session here.


The committee is also elected by the members of the church. It is responsible for overseeing the practicalities of running the local church. Our committee is made up of four subcommittees which focus on finance, property, resources and evangelism.

If you have something you would like the committee to discuss please get in touch.