Series: Colossians in a Week

Saturday 16th May

Colossians: Live it Out

Our study of Colossians continues with chapter 4 v2-6, which speak about living out the Christian life. Both in our personal relationship with God and our interactions with others.
Friday 15th May

Colossians: The Christian Home

Colossians 3 v18 - 4v1 deals with the Christian home, and instructs wives, husbands and children on the behaviours and attitudes they should have towards one another.
Wednesday 13th May


William continues his week-long study in Colossians tonight, reading chapter 2 v16-23 which warn Christians not to live in the shadows of religion but in the reality of Christ.
Wednesday 13th May

Colossians: Alive in Christ

In Colossians 2 v6-15 Paul reminds the church how they were raised from spiritual death and made Alive in Christ, to live a life walking in His ways.